
Cooking with B17 Bundle

- $-51.98
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A great way to get your daily dose of Vitamin B17 is to incorporate the use of Apricot Seed Meal into your recipes! Take advantage of the Limited-Edition Cooking with B17 Bundle. The Bundle includes:

As the holidays approach, you’ll enjoy exploring The Little Cyanide Cookbook, called "A Gourmet's Guide to the Natural Control of Cancer." Some of our favorite recipes that include Apricot Seed Meal in this 192-page cookbook are:

  • Side dishes like Pineapple Cranberry Relish and Candied Yams

  • Desserts like Raw Berry Pie and Strawberry Chantilly

  • Breakfasts like Buckwheat Pancakes and Dairy-Free Cranberry Panpuffs

And when you use Fresh Bitter Apricot Seed Meal like table salt, using your new Seed Meal Shaker, you’ll ensure you’re getting your recommended daily dose of B17 when you shake it onto your foods or use it in recipes you already love.

The Cooking with B17 Bundle also makes a wonderful gift for the chef in your life!

Customer Reviews

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Zhivko Vanef
Kalash Macedonian hade to buy book

I remember hearing about the kalash peoples of Pakistan, India, when King and royalty visited republic of Macedonia's after DNA results Macedonia's children returning back home after alexander the great said hold the garrison until he returned never did. Wonderful book I purchased on Amazon id like to purchase directly apricot seeds are there any living in Toronto cdn or a trip accros the boarder niagra falls ??