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Legacy Books
(from the back cover) Good Health, Cancer, And The Will of God: Thoughts From One Minister Who Has Lived With These Questions For Fifteen Fruitful Years
- God's principles of health. How they work to keep us healthy
- 17 food-processing techniques that damage man's food supply
- How the FDA discriminates against cancer victims
- 18 foods rich in B-17 plus other natural foods that may control cancer
- Why the AMA refuses to use the hormone test for early cancer detection
- The proper role of government: warnings from the Bible
- The Cancer Trap. How to avoid it
- The importance of food fiber in preventing cancer of the colon
- B-17: hard facts about its legality
- The cancer monopoly. Who profits from it?
- The atheistic foundation of the modern cancer industry
- How B-17 works to kill cancer cells yet is harmless to normal ones
- Is man responsible for disease?
- The unsigned report from the Cancer Commission of California that resulted in B-17 being made illegal in California
- Are there times when a Christian should disobey the law?
- The virus theory of cancer contrasted with the trophoblast theory
- The responsibility of the Christian who has learned the truth about cancer
- Medical science, vitamin C and scurvy
- Orthodox cancer treatments: the grim record
- God's natural method of healing: how we must cooperate with Him
NOTE from RNC: This is a Legacy Book from “The Vault.” It was copyrighted in 1976 and is 186 pages. Please note that only a limited number of books are available, and when they’re gone, they’re gone.