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It's important not to exceed recommended dosages. If you have any questions please advise with your trusted medical practitioner.
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Disclaimer: We are NOT doctors and CAN NOT diagnose or treat any disease.
The information below is for educational purposes only. Please advise your health care professional.
The information below is directly from one of the most comprehensive books on the subject: “Laetrile Case Histories” by Dr. John Richardson (pages 116 & 117)The recommended maintenance dose is 500mg of Laetrile per day, as suggested by Dr. Richardson.More information on Dr. Richardsons Protocol can be found here
Yes, for healthy individuals, it's recommended to have 100 - 200mg of Laetrile per day as part of their diet to supplement the lack of Nitriloside-containing foods in most diets world-wide.
By taking 1 - 2 capsules of Laetrile 100mg each dayhttps://rncstore.com/collections/laetrile-b17-cancer-supplements/products/laetrile-100mg-capsules)
By taking 2 - 4 Seed Caps (each containing 50mg of B17) per day.https://rncstore.com/collections/laetrile-b17-cancer-supplements/products/seed-caps-b17-b15-enzymes
By taking 2 - 4 scoops of Organic Apricot Seed Meal.https://rncstore.com/collections/bitter-apricot-seeds/products/copy-of-bitter-apricot-seed-meal-16-oz
By chewing or grinding 5-10 Apricot Seeds per day and swallowing them (average 20mg per seed).https://rncstore.com/collections/bitter-apricot-seeds/products/apricot-seeds-32ozBy adjusting your diet to include foods high in "C" fighting nutrients, containing 100 - 200mg of Laetrile per day or more.
Refer to the literature below.https://rncstore.com/collections/books-dvds/products/cancer-free-with-food-bookhttps://rncstore.com/collections/books-dvds/products/the-little-cyanide-cookbook-delicious-recipes-rich-in-vitamin-b17
1 capsule of B15 pangamic acid (500 mg) and 1 capsule of the Pro enzymes each day
1 capsule of B15 and 1 capsule of Pro Enzymes in the morning and again at night
Laetrile Capsules are purified extractions of Amygdalin/Vitamin B17 from Apricot Seed Meal, resulting in a high purity level of 98.6% Amygdalin.
Vitamin B17 is a supplement derived from apricot pits and other natural sources. The chemical name for this compound is Amygdalin or Laetrile. Extracted from the seeds of certain fruits and tree nuts, Amygdalin is found in more than 1,200 different foods such as apple seeds, almonds, cashews, plums. However, in nature the highest concentration of Amygdalin is found in Raw Bitter Apricot Seeds. Vitamin B17 can be used as a supplement and is beneficial to overall well-being, promoting optimal health.
Absolutely! Before implementing any vitamin or nutrient into your diet it is always recommended to consult a health practitioner. Leave that up to your doctor—they're the experts!
A balanced diet is essential to a healthy life, and few of us consume enough vitamins and minerals from the foods we eat. B17 contains powerful immunity-boosting properties to strengthen your body's natural defenses.
B17 is most commonly taken in the oral form via Raw Bitter Apricot Seeds, Apricot Seed Meal, bars, or capsules. B17 can also be administered intravenously.
B17 is generally considered safe when taken within recommended dosage guidelines. However, some individuals may experience an upset stomach. This is due to the interaction of Amygdalin/B17 with the beta-glucosidase enzyme found in high concentrations in cells with abnormal growth. The beta-glucosidase enzyme breaks down the B17 and releases the cyanide and benzaldehyde which together attack abnormal cells and release the toxins within them. It is these toxins that can cause nausea, but rest assured this is a good sign of progress.
It's important not to exceed recommended dosages. If you have any questions please advise with your trusted medical practitioner.
You can purchase B17 products from Richardson Nutritional Center's online store at RNCstore.com.
a. No. There have been no fatalities by taking oral Laetrile. How safe is oral Laetrile? Has anyone died of an overdose from taking it?
b. Typically, the most severe reaction to too much Laetrile is an upset stomach. There are NO known cases of death caused by Laetrile, Amygdalin, or B17.
You can purchase 500mg Laetrile Capsules from the following link: (https://rncstore.com/collections/laetrile-b17-cancer-supplements/products/laetrile-500mg-capsules).
RNC is constantly evaluating additional natural products to better serve our customers! Please sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know about new releases.
Apricot Seeds are the kernels found inside apricot pits. Laetrile is a synthetic form of a compound called Amygdalin, which is naturally found in Apricot Seeds. Vitamin B17 is another term that has been used to refer to Laetrile.
Seed Caps are ground-up Apricot Seeds with the oil removed. Whole Apricot Seeds and Seed Caps both have a minimum shelf life of 2 years.
The recommended shelf life of Apricot Seeds is 2 years. The time frame can be extended if the seeds are frozen.
Our Seed Caps have a minimum shelf life of 2 years. They are made from ground Apricot Seeds with the oil removed to enhance stability.
Yes, both Seed Caps and our Raw Bitter Apricot Seeds contain B17. One Seed Cap contains 50 mg of B17 while one Raw Bitter Apricot Seed contains 20 mg of B17. Each Seed Cap contains 2.5 times the amount of B17 in one Seed.
It's important not to exceed recommended dosages. If you have any questions please advise with your trusted medical practitioner.
Seed Caps are ground Apricot Seeds, while Laetrile Capsules contain purified Vitamin B17. Seed Caps contain 50 mg of Vitamin B17 per capsule. Laetrile Capsules are available in two options: 100mg and 500mg, with a purity of 98.6% Amygdalin.
Laetrile Capsules are purified extractions of Amygdalin/Vitamin B17 from Apricot Seed Meal, resulting in a high purity level of 98.6% Amygdalin.
Our Raw Bitter Apricot Seeds typically have a higher concentration of Amygdalin (B17), around 20 mg per seed, compared to sweet Apricot Seeds, which contain less (as little as one eighth).The rule of thumb is “the more bitter, the better” as it is an indication of a higher concentration of Amygdalin (Vitamin B-17). That is why all of our Raw Apricot Seeds are tested for their bitterness.
Vitamin B15, also known as Pangamic Acid, is a nutrient derived from apricot kernels. It is closely related to DMG (Dimethylglycine) and is known for its potential health benefits.
Vitamin B15 was first extracted and isolated from apricot fruit seeds in 1938 by Dr. Ernst Krebs and his son. It was later given the name Vitamin B15 due to evidence of its potential health benefits.
While Pangamic Acid (Vitamin B15) is most potent in apricot kernels and related products, small traces of this nutrient can also be found in Brewer’s yeast, whole grain brown rice, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and some other plant products.
B vitamins, including Vitamin B15 in our Pro B15 formulation, play vital roles in our bodily functions. Our bodies cannot produce these B vitamins on their own, so it is essential to supplement our diets with them. They are important for various aspects of everyday life and become more critical as we age or face specific health conditions.
Vitamin B15 has shown promise in various health areas, including improving energy and metabolism, supporting brain health, acting as a detoxifying agent, promoting heart health, anti-aging properties, enhancing exercise endurance, aiding in the treatment of autism, and providing support for healthy lungs.
There are several ways to increase your intake of Pangamic Acid (Vitamin B15), including consuming raw Apricot Seeds/kernels, using apricot Seed Capsules, exploring other Vitamin B15 rich foods, or considering supplements like Richardson Nutritional Center’s proprietary blend of Pangamic Acid and DMG called "Pro-B15." However, it's important to coordinate with your primary care physician before introducing any new supplement into your diet.
Pro Enzyme is our powerful metabolic enzyme formula. It contains over 13 different enzymes, including Pancreatin 10X, a-Chymotrypsin, Bromelain, Trypsin, Amylase, and Rutin. Each enzyme serves a unique purpose.
There are several ways to increase your intake of Pangamic Acid (Vitamin B15), including consuming raw Apricot Seeds/kernels, using apricot Seed Capsules, exploring other Vitamin B15 rich foods, or considering supplements like Richardson Nutritional Center’s proprietary blend of Pangamic Acid and DMG called "Pro-B15." However, it's important to coordinate with your primary care physician before introducing any new supplement into your diet.
Pancreatin 10X: A multifaceted enzyme that assists in digesting proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, ensuring efficient nutrient absorption.
A-chymotrypsin: Primarily focusing on proteins, this enzyme breaks them down into their constituent amino acids, which are vital for body repair and growth.
Bromelain: Sourced from the core of pineapples, bromelain is renowned for aiding digestion and its impressive anti-inflammatory properties, making it a boon for those with inflammatory conditions.Trypsin: A potent protein-digesting enzyme, it complements the other proteolytic enzymes, ensuring the complete breakdown of dietary proteins.
Amylase: Carbohydrates, our primary energy source, are tackled by amylase. It breaks them down into simpler sugars that our bodies can readily absorb and utilize.
Rutin: Beyond enzymes, rutin, a plant pigment, makes its mark with its strong antioxidant properties. Antioxidants combat free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause cellular damage.
Optimal Digestion: Aids those with digestion issues or deficiencies.Nutrient Absorption: Ensures you’re getting the most from your food.Healthy Aging: As we age, enzyme production decreases, making supplementation beneficial.Gut Health: Supports a balanced gut flora and reduces bloating.
Our enzymes all are plant based, Vegan, and Gluten Free Capsules
Upset stomach/nausea - This is a sign of the B17 and other RNC vitamins attacking the abnormal cell growth. When the abnormal cells die (apoptosis) they release toxins into your body, this is what causes the upset stomach for some individuals. With water, good diet, and exercise these toxins are flushed out of your body and gone with it any upset stomach or nausea you may have had.
Blood pressure medication - B17 is known to naturally reduce high blood pressure. This means that if you have low blood pressure and you are taking medication to increase your blood pressure, the Apricot Seeds and other B17 products may reduce the effectiveness of those medications because B17 itself is known to help increase and restore your blood pressure. In this way B17 may be able to help someone get off blood pressure lowering drugs.All supplements offered by Richardson Nutritional Center (RNC) are found in nature and have not been adulterated in any way. They are food products and not medications.
Pro Enzyme is our in house blend of digestive enzymes that help oxygenate the blood and assists with exercise and stamina. These enzymes aid in digesting animal proteins and offer various other benefits.
B15 has benefits related to oxygenation and can contribute to exercise and stamina as well.
Dr. John Richardson had both B15 and Digestive Enzymes in his protocols
Disclaimer: We are NOT veterinarians and CAN NOT diagnose or treat any disease. The information below is for educational purposes only. Please advise your health care professional.
Yes, Apricot Seeds, which contain B17 (Amygdalin), can have potential benefits for pets like cats and dogs.
The recognition of Apricot Seeds' effectiveness in pet health can be traced back to the experiences of individuals, including the family of Dr. John Richardson, Sr., who observed positive outcomes in their pets.
Yes, there is anecdotal evidence and ongoing research into the long-term effects of B17 on pets' lifespans, particularly in Great Danes. Thomas Sandberg has been conducting a 30-year research study in this regard. His research can be found here.
The recommended dosage for pets is typically to grind one Apricot Seed for every 10 or 20 pounds of the pet's body weight per feeding. However, it's essential to consult with a veterinarian before adding any new dietary supplement to your pet's regimen.
Yes, we offer ground Apricot Seeds for sale, making it convenient for pet owners to incorporate this supplement into their pets' diets. (https://rncstore.com/collections/bitter-apricot-seeds/products/copy-of-bitter-apricot-seed-meal-16-oz)
Additional information on the benefits of B17 and its use in pet health can be found on our website at www.rncstore.com. Additionally, Thomas Sandberg's website, www.longlivingpets.com, may provide valuable insights.
Disclaimer: We are NOT doctors and CAN NOT diagnose or treat any disease. The information below is for educational purposes only. Please advise your health care professional.
Yes! RNC CEO, John Richardson Jr., has been eating Apricot Seeds since he was 5 years old. He is currently 58 years old and healthier than ever. His 6 children have also been eating Apricot Seeds since they were toddlers.
We understand that mothers who are pregnant are in a highly sensitive stage.
With that being said B17 is a nutritional supplement vitamin and NOT a pharmaceutical drug. B17 has NO free cyanide and does not cause cyanide poisoning.
Vitamin B17 interacts with the body very similarly as vitamin C or any other vitamin one takes as a part of their diet. So if you are comfortable taking vitamin C while pregnant then you should highly consider Vitamin B17 as well.
We are not physicians and we do not and cannot recommend anyone to take this supplement. We do not treat or diagnose anyone.Please advise your physician!
If you are asking for the opinion of our CEO, he would say “I would let my wife take B17 if she were pregnant right now.”
We understand that mothers who are nursing their newborn are in a highly sensitive stage.
With that being said B17 is a nutritional supplement vitamin and NOT a pharmaceutical drug. B17 has NO free cyanide and does not cause cyanide poisoning.
Vitamin B17 interacts with the body very similarly as vitamin C or any other vitamin one takes as a part of their diet. So if you are comfortable taking vitamin C while nursing your child then you should highly consider Vitamin B17 as well.
We are not physicians and we do not and cannot recommend anyone to take this supplement. We do not treat or diagnose anyone. Please advise your physician!
If you are asking for the opinion of our CEO, he would say “I would let my wife take B17 if she were nursing her newborn right now.”
While Apricot Seeds are generally safe for consumption, it's crucial to follow recommended guidelines. Consuming excessive amounts of Apricot Seeds can result in an upset stomach. As with starting any other dietary regimen, it is always recommended to consult a health practitioner before implementing any vitamin or nutrient into your diet.
If you choose to consume Apricot Seeds, it is recommended to start with a small amount, such as 1-3 seeds a day, and gradually increase as desired.
Yes! At Richardson Nutritional Center, all of our Apricot Seeds are all natural, California grown, raw, vegan, non-GMO, non-radiated, certified Kosher, pesticide & herbicide free. We rigorously lab tested all of our Apricot Seeds for glyphosate, heavy metals, and microbiology. We prioritize quality and safety, striving to provide the best possible source we can deliver.
Apricot Seeds can be consumed both on an empty stomach and with meals. There isn't a strict preference for one over the other. However, it's important not to consume them simultaneously with pure Laetrile Capsules to avoid potential discomfort.
Yes, it's essential not to consume Apricot Seeds at the same time as taking pure Amygdalin (Laetrile) capsules. This is because Apricot Seeds contain a certain amount of the enzyme Beta-Glucosidase, which can lead to the release of excess cyanide and benzaldehyde when taken together with Laetrile Capsules.
While it is not inherently harmful, ingesting both Apricot Seeds and Laetrile simultaneously can lead to an upset stomach. It is recommended to wait three hours in between to prevent any discomfort.
It is recommended to consume Apricot Seeds separately from Laetrile to prevent potential discomfort and upset stomach. When taken together, the combination of surplus beta-glucosidase in the seeds and the presence of Laetrile extract can burden the immune system, leading to instances of nausea and lightheadedness.
To counteract an upset stomach, you can consume dried apricots, which contain the enzyme Rhodanese. Rhodanese can help mitigate the side effects of consuming Apricot Seeds and Laetrile Capsules together.
Vitamin B15, also known as Pangamic Acid, is a nutrient derived from apricot kernels. It is closely related to DMG (Dimethylglycine) and is known for its potential health benefits.
Yes there are many! Some examples are the following fruits and their seeds: apples, cherries, and pears. These contain a combination of B17 and Beta-Glucosidase in the seeds, along with Rhodanese in the fruit. Therefore, it's advisable to eat the entire fruit, flesh and seed, for added digestive support.
Yes! If you are looking to receive personalized medical advice reach out and setup a consultation with a certified physician on www.cancerdoctor.com
To avoid potential discomfort, it is advised to maintain a minimum time interval of 3 hours between consuming Apricot Seeds and taking pure Laetrile.
The three-hour interval recommendation primarily applies to individuals who have experienced instances of nausea when consuming both forms together. Some individuals may not have this issue and can adjust their timing accordingly based on their tolerance and gut microbiome composition.
In short: Yes, Apricot Seeds, as well as apple seeds, lima beans, yuca, flax seeds, spinach and other common foods we consume all contain a locked form of cyanide bearing compounds. It is important note that Vitamin B17 does NOT contain free cyanide radicals.In depth: In his book World Without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17, G. Edward Griffin discusses the breakdown of the cyanide component. The following information is for educational purposes only. Griffin explains that Laetrile, or Vitamin B17, contains two molecules of glucose, one molecule of benzaldehyde, and one molecule of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) all tightly locked togetherLaetrile, when consumed orally, is said to selectively target abnormal cell growth due to the enzyme beta-glucosidase that is present in higher concentrations in the abnormal cells compared to normal cells. This enzyme helps break down Laetrile, releasing the cyanide within the abnormal cells.The cyanide produced from Laetrile within abnormal cells is present in a form called Cyanohydrin. It is claimed that this molecule is relatively stable and does not easily release Free cyanide. According to Griffin's book, normal cells also contain Rhodanese, which converts cyanide to Thiocyanate in the presence of sulfur, minimizing the toxicity of cyanide. However, normal cells are supposed to have a protective mechanism that can neutralize any potential harm caused by the small amount of cyanide produced. Abnormal cells allegedly lack this protective mechanism, making them more susceptible to the toxic effects of cyanide.
Pro Enzyme is our powerful metabolic enzyme formula. It contains over 13 different enzymes, including Pancreatin 10X, a-Chymotrypsin, Bromelain, Trypsin, Amylase, and Rutin. Each enzyme serves a unique purpose.
There are several ways to increase your intake of Pangamic Acid (Vitamin B15), including consuming raw Apricot Seeds/kernels, using apricot Seed Capsules, exploring other Vitamin B15 rich foods, or considering supplements like Richardson Nutritional Center’s proprietary blend of Pangamic Acid and DMG called "Pro-B15." However, it's important to coordinate with your primary care physician before introducing any new supplement into your diet.
Yes! Visit cancerdoctor.com and search for “laetrile”
2 years. Keep in a cool dry place (keep out of the sun).
At Richardson Nutritional Center we believe it is never too late to save someone.
Please reference the physicians handbook, which can be obtained on our website under “Books/DVDs”
Yes, Apricot Seeds offer various benefits, and a list of these benefits can be found in the document "Insane Benefits of B17."
The website Cancer Doctor is a treasure trove. It has over 20 videos of expert physicians discussing laetrile/B17 and their experience with using it in treatments
The Apricot Seeds have many benefits.
We have compiled a list below for your information:
17 insane benefits of B17
RNC store Brochure
Doctor Richardson Protocol
The “Most Hated” Natural Cancer Treatment
Yes, you can find additional information on B17 and its benefits in the attached document titled "Insane Benefits of B17."
We recommend "Laetrile Case Histories" by Dr. John A. Richardson, Sr. and "World Without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17." These can be purchased from our online store.
Currently, all of our products use plastic. As we head into the future we are actively looking at substituting our plastic packing with more environmentally friendly options
For every $1 USD spent on our site you will earn 5 points. Points will earn you various rewards such as vouchers that can be used towards your next purchase.
No, Apricot Seeds do not need to be soaked in water before eating them. However, you can soak them if you wish.
You can but it is not recommended as the thawing process might rupture the bags and render them useless. Keep them in a cool dry location, such as a pantry.
You can store your products as you wish, as long as it is in a cool dark environment.